What order should I do things in?

Hi, this is my first post here. In the next few days I will be buying a linode 360 plan to host my website which I developed using PHP and MySQL on a windows machine. I have looked through the Linode library but I am not sure what order I should be doing things in. The Library also doesn't cover some of the things I am looking to implement so I am just after a little advice on what I should be doing especially when it comes to security as I am quite paranoid about this subject.

Here is what I am looking to set up - but I am unsure as to what order to do them in other than start with the getting started guide:

Debian Lenny (follow the getting started guide). - Choose this as it seems the Library defaults to debian in most areas when explaining how to install or do something on your server.

Lighttpd - with mod_rewrite. I was going to use Apache but I discovered lighttpd and to save future hassle in going from Apache to Lighttpd if my site would benefit from it, I decided to use Lighttpd form the get go.

PHP 5.3 - With suhosin - Will Suhosin require configuration if using apt-get install?

Alternative PHP Cache (APC)


modssl - To generate a self-signed certificate for use on my CMS.

Secure the system as best I can. This is the area I would really appreciate the most help with as I have little experience in securing a linux system. Is the "Configure a Basic Firewall in Debian Lenny" guide enough if I only need to serve pages, and allow SSH for my self?. I am aiming to create a streamlined, bloat free secure server and administer the system via SSH. As indicated above I would also like to generate my own SSL certificate and secure my CMS/admin pages with it which are stored outside the web root. Only I will be using the cms so it doesn't matter if the browser complains about a self-signed certificate.

I am not a linux user, but it's also not a foreign system to me. I have messed around with, installed and used gentoo, ubuntu, debian and one or two other distros but never stuck with them for long, so I wouldn't say I am a complete linux n00b. If there is a well explained guide or tutorial to follow I will be able to follow it. :).

Thanks for reading.

6 Replies

Getting started


whatever you want

Thanks for the speedy reply :). Where security goes what would that include before getting down to installing and securing individual packages? Would it just be iptables?


Would it just be iptables?
Netfilter is the actual firewall. iptables is one way of configuring it. I recommend that you use a firewall configuration tool other than iptables itself. I use Shorewall. Some distros have one of their own - not sure about Debian.

Thanks pclissold. I went with shorewall and it wasn't so bad (after I found good tutorials) setting the firewall up :)

Shorewall does have great documentation. It's also in Debian (though I think it's outdated).

Suhosin sucks, patch ok, module no.


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