Best Datacenter for Australian Traffic?

Im in Australia and was ondering what would be the best data center for ping times to here? now I know I can ping myself, but my ISP may be routed in some weird way.

Anyone tried from many different ISP's in Australia?

I will need to setup a server in Australia at some stage as I do get some complaints of slowness, but I really want to stay with linode, I used to spend $600 a month for two dedicated servers here and I had nothing but trouble….

9 Replies

Fremont is quite popular with Asia-Pacific oriented services. It's on the west coast and close to the major landing points for trans-Pacific cables.


Try for yourself and see!

Grumble Grumble Moan Moan

adds "" to his ego-search

I love it. This is like the third post like this in the past 3 days.

HUZZAH, it's STICKIED in the Performance forum!

It looks like the third post, but this one says "I know I can ping myself, but my ISP may be routed in some weird way." Apparently the three posters above me did not read the thread before replying.

yep was just looking for other peoples experiences, There are at least 3 routes to the states from here.

I'm truly sorry for any mental anguish I may have caused:)

I think I will move most of my servers to Freemont.

Might look into cachefly or similar as well.


I think I will move most of my servers to Freemont.

Might look into cachefly or similar as well.

+1 for Fremont. It has pretty good route from a few places that I've tested with (mainly from East Coast in Australia). I'm running a site on a Linode at Fremont with 3 million page views/month, 95% Australian traffic – and no one has complained yet :)

Not sure about CacheFly though. They have only WAIX POP in Australia as far as I know (which means not accessible from anyone not on WAIX), and sometimes I'm getting weird routes to Japan.


HUZZAH, it's STICKIED in the Performance forum!

if only someone would make the guide to solving "Help, my Linode is OOM'ing" sticky…


Im in Australia and was ondering what would be the best data center for ping times to here?
I'm in Melbourne, and based on tests through 3 different ISP's (Telstra Data Center, Internode home account and iiNet home account) Atlanta had the best speeds for me, so I've got 3 Linode's there.


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