Best web server for drupal?

I've never really considered using anything other than Apache for my web server. But, for a number of reasons (primarily to switch from 64-bit to 32-bit gentoo without downtime), I'm about to set up a new linode, so I have options. And I keep hearing about nginx and lighthttpd. So I started thinking…

I run two sites on my linode that serve dynamic content. The main site is an EXTREMELY database-intensive drupal site. The secondary site is a low-traffic phpBB forum. So I basically need virtual hosts, php and support for drupal's .htaccess URL-rewriting magic. SSL would be nice, but I'll run a small Apache SSL instance for phpMyAdmin if I have to. I need the web server to have a small memory footprint, because mysql is going to need a lot of RAM.


3 Replies


I basically need virtual hosts, php and support for drupal's .htaccess URL-rewriting magic. SSL would be nice for phpMyAdmin
Nginx will do all of this easily (as would lighttpd, I'm sure) and be rock solid, using fastcgi or similar for php. URL-rewriting is handled via a few lines in the config file (see here). At the risk of stating the obvious, Drupal can easily become pretty top heavy if one becomes a bit too enthusiastic with modules. Trimming the fat can really do wonders.

Is your database small enough to run cached ? If not, this will probably be your biggest issue.

Interesting, I'll give it a try. From the reading I've done so far, nginx does everything I need it to do…


The slave servers for the automated simpletests at on Drupal 7 core are running on Ubuntu 8.04 and Debian 5.0.


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