Support response times?

What's the average response time for support issues?

10 Replies

Very Quick :P. at most 2 hours

Right. I've only submitted two tickets and both were acted upon in under 15 minutes. Neither was for a problem.

I have only had 1 or 2 tickets in, both responded in a matter of minutes.

Thanks guys. Hope I never have to contact support but it's a great comfort knowing it's there. On a related note… I'm curious on the general nature of the support tickets you've open (if you wouldn't mind disclosing that info…).

Were you experiencing outages? Were you experiencing performance issues? Did you just have general questions?


I've only had to open one ticket in the time I've been here: it was to switch from monthly to yearly billing.

Mine were not problems with the service. One was a bug report for this forum, and the other was a custom change request (adding a private IP to a VPS).

My ticket history:
* Migrate a Linode to another data center: migration set up in 40 minutes.

  • ssh to Linode host not working: first response in 10 minutes; temporary fix in <35 minutes; new Xen stack on host in <72 hours.

  • LVM not working after Linode migration: I signed on to the IRC channel after I had opened the ticket, and caker correctly guessed what I had done wrong within a couple of minutes of my arrival.

  • Intermittent connectivity failure at Hurricane Electric (Fremont): first response in 15 minutes; DDoS attack, miscreant/victim null-routed in ~30 minutes.

Just to provide more data. I've opened 3 tickets. 2, were questions for support and features. One for the recent shared library incident.

One about whitelisting IP addresses for the Linode manager. Opened at 11:34PM EST and answered at 4:43am the next morning. (it was late at night and not something critical and they responded in less than 5 hours)

The other was inquiring about getting on the beta for the backup system. Asked at 4:51PM EST and first responded to at 4:55PM EST (4 minute turn around)

The shared library incident, ticket opened at 2:17PM EST and responded to at 2:21PM EST (4 minute turn around when they were slammed).

Support here is pretty damn good IMO.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the prompt feedback… on a related note, is support available 24/7? Or 12/5? What about support over holidays?


It should be 24/7 or near 24/7. You can see in this post, that they just hired an Australian to help with the night shift: … ns-linode/">


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