VPS Benchmark -- Linode Is Awesome

Clicky Clicky.

I didn't write it, just saw it on reddit.

9 Replies

Nice find. I find it most interesting that database servers seem to run quite a bit faster in 64-bit than 32-bit. The general consensus in these forums has been that the average server will not benefit from 64-bit, but this seems to bring that into question.


but this seems to bring that into question.
Depending on the load.

It's great to read reviews like this as I've spent considerable time and effort moving my business to Linode (from one of the competitors mentioned). Linode knows they are very good, and I honestly think they will try as hard as they can to stay on top, which is cool for everyone.

This is making the rounds at my office now. Ah, so sweet.


I'm the only one in my office.

I'm still impressed!


I'm very proud to be a linode costumer

This means i made a good choice ;)

That's a nice comparison. Although, I note that their Linode had L5420 CPU while new Linodes are (all?) using L5520, which benchmarked lower in my own comparison. Still, with the margin over the others, no doubt the L5520 Linode would still come out on top.


Depending on the load.

You said load… heh.

@Brian Puccio:

Clicky Clicky.

I didn't write it, just saw it on reddit.

Because of this text I decided to go Linode :)


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