Linode Dom0 OS

Just curious- I'm revamping my home/business network, and devoting a box to virtual machines. I use VirtualBox right now, but Xen seems to work well enough that I thought I would give it a try.

So- the question- what OS does Linode use for Dom0 ? Or is it an LFS type?

7 Replies

I believe they use Ubuntu. Can anyone verify?


cat /proc/version

That just gives you info on the DomU kernel, not Dom0.

I suspect this falls under the "secret sauce" category (at least it would for me…)

Isn't it Vista? Microsoft did say it was their best operating system ever.



I believe they use Ubuntu. Can anyone verify?
Don't know for sure if it's still true, but from this older post, it certainly was in the past: … 2969#12969">

-- David



I believe they use Ubuntu. Can anyone verify?
Don't know for sure if it's still true, but from this older post, it certainly was in the past: … 2969#12969">

-- David

I'm thinking they were still using UML back then, and just developing their Xen platform.

I'll probably either use the Xensource install or go with Debian (simply because I'm most comfortable with it), though I may stick with VBox for now, as I have it working fairly well (though it claims I don't have VT enabled CPU, which I do, and it worked fine until the latest VBox update).


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