Setting up FTP.

Firstly, please don't post telling me how insecure FTP is - I know how insecure it is.

I've set up FTP on ubuntu using this tutorial but cannot connect … erver.html">

I tried logging in with my root pw but it doesn't work - where do I set username/pass


5 Replies

Using that guide, you'd log in using your regular user accounts. But if that's all you need to do, then you should not use FTP, you should use SFTP.

The only time anyone should ever use an FTP server is if they need login accounts other than their system user accounts, IMO.


Using that guide, you'd log in using your regular user accounts. But if that's all you need to do, then you should not use FTP, you should use SFTP.

The only time anyone should ever use an FTP server is if they need login accounts other than their system user accounts, IMO.

I'm using FTP to give Joomla full access to my server (as for some reason when I set up a joomla site on linode all the files are set to the wrong permissions)

Joomla is in PHP therfor cannot connect to SFTP.

How do I edit/create user accounts?

> Joomla is in PHP therfor cannot connect to SFTP

Since when? :D

My mistake, however Joomla certainly cannot connect to SFTP (or atleast, cannot currently)


How do I edit/create user accounts?
usermod / useradd


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