Migrating between accounts

If I create a Linode under one account, could I eventually transfer ownership of it to another account? Thanks.

3 Replies


If I create a Linode under one account, could I eventually transfer ownership of it to another account? Thanks.
After a $49.95 convenience fee and a $99.95 receiver reprogramming fee.

I'm kidding. File a ticket and it's no problem – both sides just need to open a ticket allowing the transfer.

I know this post is 11 years old but I have a related followup question. I have a node with an EHR developed for a non-profit agency. I am resigning as their DBA effective 30 April. Can they create an account without creating a node - so that I can transfer ownership of the EHR/node to their (new) account? Thanks!

@thomasg4 - Yep! They can create an account and not add services to it. From there, you can use our new self-service feature to transfer the Linode from within the Cloud Manager. Alternatively, you can each open a Support ticket that includes the name of the Linode to be transferred and which user it's coming from/being sent to.


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