Backup availability?

I tried to sign up for the backup option, but I got an error message instead: "You have selected extras that the host server does not have available. Please go back and narrow your selection and try again."

So far as I know, I don't have an unusual configuration– I'm on a fremont 720. Are there only a limited number of backups available? Or, do I need to get a different server in order to add the backup option?

4 Replies

Please submit a support ticket and we'll take care of this for you.


Thanks– I'll do that!

6 years later, same question. Is it a known problem that pushing the "enable backups" button doesn't always work and requires support intervention?

This error is the result of an internal implementation detail, not a bug. Linode is developing a new API, which may change how this works, but I don't know for sure. The error happens rarely, and can be quickly taken care of by support.


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