Ubuntu 10.04 - SQL PHP5 NginX - Error

When I go to start [#service php5-fpm start] all i get is:

Starting php5-fpm PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/idn.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 0

I have tried so many different "How to install PHP5, mySQL + nginx on ubuntu 10.04" tutorials and all end up at the same place.

What am i missing?

PHP info shows no mention of sql support.

Any help would be great.



3 Replies

That's not an error. It's just a little warning that happens because the PHP folks (or Ubuntu packagers) forgot to double-check the default configuration files.

Open /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/idn.ini with your usual text editor. There will be one or more lines beginning with the # sign. Change that to a semicolon ( ; ) and the message will disappear.

Ok thanks.

I will check that out and try again.


Same thing happened to me. Same solution worked.


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