resized image & now can't log on?

Hi all,

I had a linode up & hosting a few sites.

Ran out of space so deleted an unused image & resized the working image to use the new free space.

Now when I boot the linode I can't ssh or ftp in.

Web sites are also down, I'm presuming network errors.

I can ping but nothing else: any ideas?

3 Replies

it's a filesystem error, get the following when I use the

Console Access from

init: hwclock main process (780) terminated with status 77                                          
libudev: udev_monitor_new_from_netlink: error getting socket: Invalid argument                      
mountall:mountall.c:3204: Assertion failed in main: udev_monitor = udev_monitor_new_from_netlink (ud
ev, "udev")                                                                                         
init: mountall main process (781) killed by ABRT signal                                             
init: console-setup main process (784) terminated with status 1                                     
General error mounting filesystems. 

Any ideas? I really hope I haven't lost everything/


Any ideas? I really hope I haven't lost everything/

You might be able to make a new disk image and configure it to mount this one, allowing you to access the files on the resized disk image.


got it sorted, thanks.

booted into Finnix & managed to move everything to my other linode.

all up and running there now with nothing lost.


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