Secure login to Linode Platform Manager (LPM)?

Is it possible to securely login to and access the LPM, so that my password, database, etc., isn't compromised?

How about webmin, does that allow secure login and access?

I just got a VDS account at Jumpline, and apparently (as far as i can tell) there's no way to do a secure login to their vds manager control panel, which means there's basically no security….unless I'm missing something. :roll:

6 Replies

The login to the LPM is using secure HTTP (https), so everything is encrypted.

Webmin can and does use SSL encryption.

Is there a reason you chose them instead of us?



Does the https login work by default on the Linode, or would I need to my own SSL certificate?

The reason I went with Jumpline was, i suppose, because of the discussion on webhostingtalk about UML maybe not being ready for production work. I was also thinking that maybe UML might be slower than regular linux because UML is an OS running on an OS, which could possibly slow things down (??) Maybe you can dispel some of these notions. Thanks.


Does the https login work by default on the Linode, or would I need to my own SSL certificate?

The reason I went with Jumpline was, i suppose, because of the discussion on webhostingtalk about UML maybe not being ready for production work. I was also thinking that maybe UML might be slower than regular linux because UML is an OS running on an OS, which could possibly slow things down (??) Maybe you can dispel some of these notions. Thanks.

Yes, the entire Members section is secured under our SSL certificate. Just using your browser inside our Members area will be encrypted.

You access your Linode using Secure Shell (SSH) which is also encrypted.

I didn't bother responding to those guys because, frankly, they have no clue what they're talking about. Both of them admitted they'd never even used UML, so how could their opinions count for anything. I don't feed the trolls.

UML has been in development for a number of years, is VERY stable, has been incorporated into the kernel's main source distribution (a sign of maturity).

To get an idea of how active a project UML is, here's a list of patches going back to July, 2001 … es-sf.html">

There are a number of other UML hosting providers. Check out the list here:

Linode is a different breed of virtual server. Shared-kernel approaches (like vserver, virtuozzo, chroot jails) aren't as flexible or secure as UML.

The main factor in Virtual Server performance is how many VMs are placed on one host server. The shared-kernel methods lend to providers stacking 100s of virtual machines on one host. A Linode 64, for example, shares the host with a max of 30 other Linodes.

Linodes also have dedicated resources - that 64 megs of RAM is for your Linode, and your Linode only.


Sounds good. You should put something like that in your FAQs.

Now, if i can get my $30 setup fee back from Jumpline….

Nope, doesn't look like it. hmmm. I'll just have to eat it i guess.

I'll probably get back to you and setup a linode 64 account later on. Thanks.

UML is just as fast as having a dedicated box as far as I have seen. Granted having a box with 512 MB of memory would probably be faster but the security and OS features on UML are pretty cool. I just wish the Linode config and scripts were available to use in a resale hosting type thing. Having the scripts just to use on my own UML would be pretty neat too. Being able to trash the distro and restore it in 2 minutes is way better than paying a host 25 bucks to restore and lose everything.


If you're interested in having people do reselling on your linode and you're looking for a control panel solution, check out . That's what you're looking for.




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