upgrade to ubuntu 11.04?

Hi. My server is working just fine under ubuntu 10.10. I would like to keep up with .04 and .10 updates twice a year, but I do not know what changes might be made between my server and Linode machines?

I would prefer doing upgrades using

upgrade-manager -d

but I also could use the Webmin interface if that would go smoother through reboots, etc.?

11.04 is in beta now but will be an official release next week. I'd just like to know if there are good reasons for waiting awhile before upgrading.



6 Replies

If there are any serious bugs in a new release of Ubuntu or the upgrade process, it will probably get resolved in the first couple of weeks. I usually upgrade my desktop as soon as a new version comes out, but for servers I tend to wait about two weeks. This time, that's going to be around the middle of May. Meanwhile the old version keeps getting security updates for another year, so there's no real hurry.

I'm not even sure if Webmin even has such an option, but I'd avoid doing important system upgrades over a web interface. I normally wouldn't do it over SSH either, since the SSH daemon might need to be restarted in the middle of an upgrade. Either use "screen" over SSH, or do it on LISH to be extra safe.


I had thought LISH was just another ssh type of client. I have used it once while on travel. From what you say, it is a more robust console.

Thanks for the info.




I had thought LISH was just another ssh type of client. I have used it once while on travel. From what you say, it is a more robust console.

lish connects to an ssh daemon running on the host (dom0 I think it's called), not your linode's ssh daemon. It is a more robust console.


I'd just like to know if there are good reasons for waiting awhile before upgrading.

When I upgraded to 9.04 some time ago, my application software broke. Please make an image copy prior to the upgrade - if there is any problem you can simply restore the image backup, no worries.


For a server - I'd say wait a couple of weeks.

Then millions will have pounded on it and given it a good testing both for bugs and security patches.


…since the SSH daemon might need to be restarted in the middle of an upgrade…

It's no problem to restart ssh whilst you are connected by ssh, at least not on Linux. Try it, it should not kick you off. On Solaris it does drop your connection, I'm not sure about other unixes.

It's probably a good idea to use screen anyway.


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