Slicehost is Gone

It seems to me that Slicehost has lately become a joke in the VPS hosting area. After being bought by Rackspace they just stagnated and went nowhere. Well perhaps this is good news for Linode, but Slicehost is going to be migrated into the Rackspace Cloud and most people are not happy about it:

Hopefully lots of them will migrate over here. :D

Details are not confirmed yet, but it sounds like many of the older customers will not be able to keep their IP addresses either, which would give them 0 reason to stay with Rackspace's overpriced service, in my opinion.

8 Replies

Linode 768 with 300GB of bandwidth: $30

Slicehost 512 with 300GB of bandwidth: $38

Rackspace 512 with 300GB of bandwidth: $91

Ouch. I doubt Rackspace will keep many of slicehost's customers with a price hike like that.


Linode 768 with 300GB of bandwidth: $30

Slicehost 512 with 300GB of bandwidth: $38

Rackspace 512 with 300GB of bandwidth: $91

P.U. - that is stinky (for them).


Ditto that. I've been a slicehost customer for almost 4 years and I feel like they just pulled the rug out from under me. Fortunately I have been evaluating new hosts for a while just from a cost perspective and have had a Linode server since February of 2011. So far, it has been rock solid and will become my new primary web host server.

Slicehost and Rackspace are just shooting themselves in the foot.


It seems to me that Slicehost has lately become a joke in the VPS hosting area. After being bought by Rackspace they just stagnated and went nowhere. Well perhaps this is good news for Linode, but Slicehost is going to be migrated into the Rackspace Cloud and most people are not happy about it:

Hopefully lots of them will migrate over here. :D

Details are not confirmed yet, but it sounds like many of the older customers will not be able to keep their IP addresses either, which would give them 0 reason to stay with Rackspace's overpriced service, in my opinion.


I'm a current Slicehost customer and wonder what my options are for moving my slices to Linode? I want nothing to do with Rackspace Cloud.

Is there any sort of easy-ish migration path, or is this a nuke from orbit and start all over again type of process?



Is there any sort of easy-ish migration path, or is this a nuke from orbit and start all over again type of process?
There's a migration guide here

Glad I jumped ship over a year ago. Rackspace = :evil:

Wow, I guess I switched just in time. I moved over a few weeks ago ;)


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