Restoring or cloning

If I have an existing linode, and I want to create a second node that's pretty much a duplicate of it, I could either a) clone the node, or b) restore a backup to a new node.

In either case, before the new node starts up, I presumably need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file on the new node to change the static IPs so they don't conflict with the old node.

What are some ways to do that?

7 Replies

Leave it as DHCP, the new node will pick up the new ip address automatically. Also restoring from a backup means you don't have to shut down the current node.


Leave it as DHCP, the new node will pick up the new ip address automatically. Also restoring from a backup means you don't have to shut down the current node.

That would certainly make it easier, but the first node is already using static IPs.

Ah then just clone it then log in via lish and edit it to the new ips, no need to edit the original node.


Ah then just clone it then log in via lish and edit it to the new ips, no need to edit the original node.

I was thinking that if I did that the new node would boot for the first time (before I got lished in), and the two nodes would detect that there is an IP address conflict. So I thought there would be some risk that the first node might have an interruption in connectivity, at least until the second node got a new IP.

Is that incorrect?

Before you boot the new one you might be able to boot it with rescue mode and edit the necessary files before it would actually be online.

Boot into rescue mode first. Also there won't be a conflict, if it was possible, some malicious user could boot up a bunch of linodes and hijack IPs which would be very bad for linode.

Thanks guys. I'm guessing booting into single-user mode would probably work as well?


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