Git cannot unpack - Linode is OOMing

My Linode (plan 512) is reaching its RAM limit. I'm noticing this at some times when browsing my website and also while trying to deploy my code through Git. It usually crashes with a "cannot unpack" error.

Below is a snippet from Lish. Is there anything I can do to tune my linode or should I upgrade to the next plan / purchase additional RAM.

Thanks !

----- SNIP -----
Out of memory: Kill process 14797 (nano) score 478 or sacrifice child                  
Killed process 14797 (nano) total-vm:394876kB, anon-rss:276072kB, file-rss:0kB                      
Out of memory: Kill process 14805 (nano) score 515 or sacrifice child                               
Killed process 14805 (nano) total-vm:423260kB, anon-rss:410080kB, file-rss:0kB                      
Out of memory: Kill process 16112 (nano) score 483 or sacrifice child                               
Killed process 16112 (nano) total-vm:398576kB, anon-rss:285064kB, file-rss:0kB                      
Out of memory: Kill process 3344 (git) score 427 or sacrifice child                                 
Killed process 3344 (git) total-vm:373284kB, anon-rss:329628kB, file-rss:20kB                       
Out of memory: Kill process 3557 (git) score 438 or sacrifice child                                 
Killed process 3557 (git) total-vm:373252kB, anon-rss:296124kB, file-rss:20kB                       
Out of memory: Kill process 1998 (mysqld) score 75 or sacrifice child                               
Killed process 1998 (mysqld) total-vm:275528kB, anon-rss:1948kB, file-rss:0kB                       
Out of memory: Kill process 2060 (git) score 418 or sacrifice child                                 
Killed process 2060 (git) total-vm:384936kB, anon-rss:289852kB, file-rss:0kB                        
Out of memory: Kill process 3514 (git) score 443 or sacrifice child                                 
Killed process 3514 (git) total-vm:385416kB, anon-rss:301176kB, file-rss:0kB                                                                 
----- SNIP -----

2 Replies

Well git using up ram isn't surprising, however browsing your site shouldn't kill it.

Install munin, have a read of the posts on this forum about optimizing apache/nginx/whatever you use.

For git, check out this … epack.html"> it has some variables you can set in gits global conf that might help.

I used to run gitweb on my server to let people have a nice interface to my git repo, until I realized that gitweb was an insane memory hog that consumes obscene amounts of RAM; it was OOMing a 768 in a heartbeat.

I ended up just turning off gitweb, there didn't seem to be any decent replacements last I checked.


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