fastcgi, suexec, and phpmyadmin

I have a LAMP setup on Ubentu 10.04 LTS using Linode 512. For apache, I have fastcgi and suexec-custom and runs some virtual hosts from user home directories. I installed phpmyadmin but I am having a hard time getting it to work.

To me, it seems the problem is with docrot in /home but phpmyadmin in /usr/share/phpmyadmin.

Another problem is the phpmyadmin wants to use mod_php, not fcgid.

Perhaps I can try to install phymyadmin for each virtual host but I'd really like to have just one installation and get it to work for all virtual hosts.

Does anyone have a successful setup like this or seen a good tutorial?


1 Reply


Does anyone have a successful setup like this or seen a good tutorial? … 0-maverick">




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