Local network storage service

There have been plenty of threads about the local disk situation here at Linode. The recent disk space bump is awesome, but I get the feeling some users are still hurting for more space. I tried S3; I found it unusable as a filesystem for any kind of frequent access. So I'm wondering how many people would be interested in paying for a slower (but datacenter-local) storage service.

Would you be likely to sign up for a service that sold, say, 50GB blocks of guaranteed (non-oversold) disk space, accessed via NFS over the private network? What features would make it or break it for you?

Thanks for the feedback!

12 Replies


What features would make it or break it for you?
Additional bandwidth of free but limited channel, to use it as CDN.

This would be an awesome addition. I'm in the same boat as syzygy, and can't really justify the $1000/month/TB that S3 or others are charging. Would be good if linode had a private array they could sell out in 20/50/100gb slices and accessed over private network.

Using the current backup model that linode has they charge $5/month/80gb of backup space.. I would happily subscribe to a similar format to this and have access to reasonably fast storage.


Additional bandwidth of free but limited channel, to use it as CDN.
As in direct, public WWW access to the storage? Interesting idea! Given how many good public CDNs already exist, though, I'm not sure it makes sense to add that complexity.

I just edited the first post to make this a poll. Just trying to gauge interest.

it wouldn't be www accessible in my opinion, more like a networked volume you could mount.


Given how many good public CDNs already exist, though, I'm not sure it makes sense to add that complexity.
Not all services are equally good.

I know by my own experience that Linode is very good and I just don't want to spend my time and money to learn, which one CDN is good and which one is not.

And without public www access it will mean common bandwidth with linode, so it will be almost useless for me (big storage means big traffic in my opinion).



Given how many good public CDNs already exist, though, I'm not sure it makes sense to add that complexity.
Not all services are equally good.

I know by my own experience that Linode is very good and I just don't want to spend my time and money to learn, which one CDN is good and which one is not.

And without public www access it will mean common bandwidth with linode, so it will be almost useless for me (big storage means big traffic in my opinion).
OP said that the service would be accessed over the private network, so traffic between your Linode and your storage won't be billed. As for outbound traffic, it's very easy to add extra bandwidth to your Linode, and the price is actually competitive with major CDNs.


As for outbound traffic, it's very easy to add extra bandwidth to your Linode, and the price is actually competitive with major CDNs.
I want be able to choose limited but free bandwidth. In my wild country it's most popular variant, but I don't want to use any hosting from my country - too wild :)

Anyway, Christopher Aker in other theme said they aren't going to do something with storages, so I think this poll will not give any effect.

No, because I don't like NFS. I'd rather have a SAN than a NAS.

syzygy, you do know that the private network applies only to Linodes within that data center, not the entire building, right?

There is that, a proper SAN or NAS for Linode customers would have to be provided either by Linode, or on a Linode. The latter option would be expensive and not really have any advantage over doing it yourself.

I'd love it, myself, if it was in the same facility as my nodes. Doesn't even have to be NFS-mounted - something like S3-style, HTTP-only access, would be great. I'd even pay the same price as S3 if necessary - but having super fast latency and access over the private network would be great.


I'd love it, myself, if it was in the same facility as my nodes. Doesn't even have to be NFS-mounted - something like S3-style, HTTP-only access, would be great. I'd even pay the same price as S3 if necessary - but having super fast latency and access over the private network would be great.

Impossible unless Linode themselves offer such a service.


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