Jetty application sporadically shuts down only on Linode

Hi all

I have a Jetty application running under nginx and managed by daemontools, which sporadically shuts down. We can't find any evidence as to why. However, my customer can run his application without incident on a dedicated server.

Does anyone here have experience with running Jetty on a Linode?

Specific details posted on server fault:

~~[" target="_blank">]( … shuts-down">](



3 Replies


Does anyone here have experience with running Jetty on a Linode?
I have a reporting servlet (JasperReports-based) running beneath Jetty on several of my Linodes and I've never had a glitch, for what it's worth, though I suspect it's not an apples to apples comparison.

In my case, nginx is the front-end server, but then there's my own application server, which in turn internally uses the Jetty servlet to generate reports. So nginx never directly proxies to Jetty (well, aside from dev testing). Jetty is started/maintained by a regular /etc/init.d script. My Linodes are all Ubuntu 8.04 LTS systems with Jetty 6.1.17 (same version I started with in 2009). Our JREs are close - I recently upgraded to 1.6.024, but ran with 1.6.014 and 1.6.0_20 for at least a year each.

Shot in the dark (and I presume you've looked), but what size Linode are you using and is there any chance you may be having memory issues? Maybe an inability to obtain memory is causing the shutdown? Java containers (even Jetty) can be fairly heavyweight, especially with default options. For example, in my case (Linode 512s) I reduced -Xmx on the Jetty6 java startup options to 64MB - it's been so long I can't remember what it defaulted to, but it was far more. (Even with this it's the single largest process I have, even above and beyond my entire application stack)

– David

In case you are still troubleshooting this: look for a hserrpid***.log file. This is what java generates when it unexpectetly has to close a java proces (i.e. due to a non-application error). My first place too look for this would be /tmp…


Does anyone here have experience with running Jetty on a Linode?

Been running Jetty 6/7 on Linodes fine for more than a year now.

Just make sure your minimum and maximum heap size and thread stack size when starting the JVM.

The only time it goes down these days is when there is a power outage at Fremont!


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