Email issue for

Hello everyone,

my PHP email script not sending emails to some email address like is there any suggestion?



3 Replies

I'll assume you're sending via a locally installed mail server, in that case check /var/log/mail.log for errors.


I'll assume you're sending via a locally installed mail server, in that case check /var/log/mail.log for errors.

Yes, I have installed EXIM4 and I got the below messages at /var/log/mail.log:

1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV Message is frozen

2011-07-05 04:44:01 End queue run: pid=4319

2011-07-05 05:14:01 Start queue run: pid=5431

2011-07-05 05:14:01 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV Message is frozen

2011-07-05 05:14:01 End queue run: pid=5431

2011-07-05 05:44:01 Start queue run: pid=6677

2011-07-05 05:44:01 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV Message is frozen

2011-07-05 05:44:01 End queue run: pid=6677

2011-07-05 06:14:01 Start queue run: pid=7718

2011-07-05 06:14:01 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV Message is frozen

2011-07-05 06:14:01 End queue run: pid=7718

2011-07-05 06:44:01 Start queue run: pid=7769

2011-07-05 06:44:01 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV Unfrozen by errmsg timer

2011-07-05 06:44:02 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV [] Connection refused

2011-07-05 06:44:02 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV == <> R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp defer (111): Connection refused

2011-07-05 06:44:02 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV ** <>: retry timeout exceeded

2011-07-05 06:44:02 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV <>: error ignored

2011-07-05 06:44:02 1QdGNZ-0007AL-RV Completed

2011-07-05 06:44:02 End queue run: pid=7769 is run by ATT.

They are very trigger happy to block anybody they consider sending spam. Not sure of how their spam rules are setup, but I wouldn't put it past users saying your mail was junk got you easily added to the list.

You can fill out the application they have for abuse issues and try to get off the list. The application assumes there was something wrong with your website that caused spam and assumes that you needed to fix something. Which is annoying when it could be the users simply not wanting your mail anymore and saying its spam (even though they registered to get the mail).


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