Looking to transition and clean up email configuration

Hello all:

Right now, as it stands my system is set up so that all mail is checked through postfix and delivered to virtual mailboxes. I use saslauthd for authentication and courier through pop3s to get my mail. There are a couple issues with this.

First, Saslauthd has a memory leak in which someone who fails to authenticate doesn't get memory freed, which is quite obviously a huge issue. I want to fix this, right now I'm using /etc/init.d/saslauthd restart in a cron.hourly script to keep the memory usage ok.

Next, I have spamassassin working through postfix where it can catch spam and flag it with a [SPAM] tag, which I can just filter on through my mail. I just recently got an IPhone though, and I want to keep everything in sync with imap. I'm not really sure how to go about creating folders so that deleted messages go to a trash folder, etc etc, while my spamassassin can (hopefully) send spam flagged messages to a spam folder. I'm also thinking of switching off to dovecot, which requires a reworking of my current postfix configuration since my dovecot multiple tables isn't quite working. From what I can understand, dovecot can replace saslauthd.

Essentially the problem is this; I have a ton of stuff going on, and want to make the transfer to a better setup as clean as possible. I can't afford more than minimal downtime since I have guidedog stuff going on, college and a bunch of other stuff i don't want to miss in email, but I need to get this set up. Any tips, ideas, suggestions would be really welcome. How have some of you gone about doing this? I've not done to much with email, which is why everything is sort of held together by threads at the moment, I'd like to solve this problem before I have to leave in a couple weeks.


2 Replies

You could switch to Dovecot in place of Courier. Dovecot supports SMTP AUTH, so you can use it in place of saslauthd. And there's Dovecot sieve filters, so you could filter that tagged mail into a Spam folder. Examples & ideas here: http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo

You suggested ditching Courier, and also the Linode library guides have stopped supporting Courier configurations.

Is Courier not being developed, or is it just that Dovecot is better?


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