Nodebalancer and mod_rpaf

I have a need to set the remote address based on the X-Forwarded-For header inserted by the Node Balancer. Many moons ago I did this using modrpaf, but modrpaf requires adding the address of all of the proxies into the apache config.

I know the Node Balancers have all been moved to, but is there some smaller set of addresses I can use rather than adding 255 IPs to my config?

Incidentally, I have no particular attachment to mod_rpaf. If there's some new hotness to solve this problem, I'd much rather hear about that. A solution that can match proxies by regex, for example…

2 Replies

I'm sorry this isn't an answer for you, but do you have a copy of mod_rpaf to share? The only download I can find is stderr and it never works for me.


I'm sorry this isn't an answer for you, but do you have a copy of mod_rpaf to share? The only download I can find is stderr and it never works for me.

I just used the libapache2-mod-rpaf package from Lucid, and it worked fine. Here's the config:

LoadModule rpaf_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
 <ifmodule mod_rpaf.c="">RPAFenable On

Caveat 1 is that I imagine the node balancers use more IPs than just that one. Caveat 2 is that it won't work with HTTPS because SSL isn't terminated at the node balancers.


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