Hurricane Irene

It looks like Hurricane Irene may directly hit New Jersey this weekend: … New-Jersey">

Think the Newark data center will stay up? New Jersey doesn't usually get hit directly, which makes this all the more nerve-wracking.

25 Replies

Probably. As long as there's utility power and/or diesel fuel flowing within a few days, datacenters are pretty good about handling weather. Given that Cedar Knolls looks to be near lots of major thoroughfares, 25 miles inland and about 200-300 feet above sea level, it's in a pretty decent place.

That said, NYC runs a high risk of being somewhat boned, which may negatively impact network infrastructure throughout the region.

Thanks. Yeah, that does sound like a pretty decent place. I didn't know the data center was actually outside of Newark. Let's just hope the network infrastructure doesn't suffer too much.

P.S. I feel like there's some joke involving Hurricane Electric here ;-)

Now, while the datacenters are in good shape, this is probably going to make life interesting at the Linode World Headquarters building (aka Datacenter #1).

Long-time #Linode IRC fans might recall the buttload-of-snow cam from last winter (or was it the winter before?)… any chance that the camera survived and will make a comeback for the hurricane? :-)

-rt (Building Evacuation Gathering Point: Dubliner Irish Pub and Grill)

I always wondered why they just didn't build them in a pit in the ground. Would be cooler also. Put them in a box with drains so flooding wouldn't get them.

For some reason this all reminds me of minecraft and Col. Gudaffi.


I always wondered why they just didn't build them in a pit in the ground. Would be cooler also. Put them in a box with drains so flooding wouldn't get them.

Drains that go where? If the drain is below sea level, you'd need to pump the water out… means more demand on power resources.

Also, digging out a whole datacenter would be fairly expensive.

A few datacenters have been built in old mines or nuclear bunkers.


Long-time #Linode IRC fans might recall the buttload-of-snow cam from last winter (or was it the winter before?)… any chance that the camera survived and will make a comeback for the hurricane? :-)
Snowcam survived being buried under a foot of snow, and has made a triumphant return.

Ask and ye shall receive. Won't be interesting until tomorrow night, but it'll be up barring John Cusack flying through the window in an airplane.

@jed (and other Linode staff):

Is the Linode staff concerned about the NJ data center? Hearing you all are comfortable would probably make us more comfortable. (I know it would for me.)


@jed (and other Linode staff):

Is the Linode staff concerned about the NJ data center? Hearing you all are comfortable would probably make us more comfortable. (I know it would for me.)
At the office we're comfortable and we have contingency plans. Datacenters are built for this, so I wouldn't worry about them either (plus the Newark facility is much further inland, being in Cedar Knolls as HoopyCat said – he's right).

I'd put my chips on BAU and not worry about it at all.

I can't tell if the work proxy is mangling it, but it seems to be broadcasting your forum avatar writ large at the moment.


At the office we're comfortable and we have contingency plans. Datacenters are built for this, so I wouldn't worry about them either (plus the Newark facility is much further inland, being in Cedar Knolls as HoopyCat said – he's right).

I'd put my chips on BAU and not worry about it at all.

Good luck to you all and I hope Irene misses you!

I'm worried about the staff- not the boxen. Good luck folks!


A few datacenters have been built in old mines or nuclear bunkers.

I had the opportunity to tour this facility a few moons ago. It's in the middle of nowhere, it's built to last, and… well, if you make it past the desolate isolation, triple-layer razorwire electrified fence, marauding packs of albino deer, and telco security, you've still got to get through the doors. And then the doors behind those.

![](" /> DSC4181 by ~~bertm_b, on Flickr

There's also a paved runway, but alas, it's "abandoned", per the sectional chart. -rt~~

I haven't understood onething.

Is there someone who ordered jersey people to leave?

I read that america is ordering people to leave the cities.

Is this true? People leaved?

Where will people go? I know that most new yorkers don't have a car.

The only evacuations are for people in the storm surge areas- basically water front- certainly not entire cities.


The only evacuations are for people in the storm surge areas- basically water front- certainly not entire cities.

not an easy task either.



The only evacuations are for people in the storm surge areas- basically water front- certainly not entire cities.

not an easy task either.

No kidding- I was just working for a friend in Brooklyn last week- he's in the evacuation zone. I'm not sure if he's heeding it or not.

no one is kidding here.


no one is kidding here.
"No kidding" is just an idiom you use when something is obviously correct. He wasn't accusing you of making light of the situation.



no one is kidding here.
"No kidding" is just an idiom you use when something is obviously correct. He wasn't accusing you of making light of the situation.

Ooops I'm sorry, I translated the words and I misunderstood.

I know I should improve my english, I will do it if I will have time :)

Good luck guys.


I haven't understood onething.

Is there someone who ordered jersey people to leave?

I read that america is ordering people to leave the cities.

Is this true? People leaved?

Where will people go? I know that most new yorkers don't have a car.

No, it's only low lying areas. This includes some portions of NYC, but not anything close to the entire thing. The evacuation centers are also located in the city, so people who are evacuating now can just take the subway or bus to get there. Not sure about Jersey, but I'd guess some coastal areas are also under voluntary evacs, but it's probably not even as far inland as Linode's office, let alone the Newark datacenter.



I haven't understood onething.

Is there someone who ordered jersey people to leave?

I read that america is ordering people to leave the cities.

Is this true? People leaved?

Where will people go? I know that most new yorkers don't have a car.

No, it's only low lying areas. This includes some portions of NYC, but not anything close to the entire thing. The evacuation centers are also located in the city, so people who are evacuating now can just take the subway or bus to get there. Not sure about Jersey, but I'd guess some coastal areas are also under voluntary evacs, but it's probably not even as far inland as Linode's office, let alone the Newark datacenter.

Okay, scratch that, they can't take the subway anymore because it got shut down.

I survived the L'Aquila heartquake some time ago, the house where I was sleeping that night collapsed, can't hear this things earth/sky/sea fury…

The worst things that make me feel bad is that you can't do anything to help.

I don't know how bad is the situation never seen an hurricane fortunantly, I'm not really religious but I will make a prayer for the coast hoping that media enlarged the phenomenon and that all will be solved without many troubles.

The view from the office this morning, in case you're wondering why Hurricam went away.

~~![](<URL url=)" />

However, by popular demand, a cam just for watching traffic on Jimmie Leeds might be making a comeback. Stay tuned.~~

really nice to know that nothing "serious" happend.


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