Traffic Hackers with Linode

Hi Guys,

As you know traffic costs money with Linode.

What if someone decides to stole my traffic generating false requests/responses?

How to prevent that?


4 Replies

If you have your server configured to serve something publicly, it can be reached by the public. This isn't hacking you, or stealing, this is people using your public server as a public server.


If you have your server configured to serve something publicly, it can be reached by the public. This isn't hacking you, or stealing, this is people using your public server as a public server.
And how I may be prevented from hackers who use some special tools to generate "false" requests to stole my traffic?

There is no such thing as a "false" request. It is a request or it isn't.

Anyways, if you find someone making a bunch of unnecessary requests, you can firewall them from accessing your server.

They can't steal your traffic since they can't use it themselves.


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