How to paste text in lish

I am using firefox and I cannot paste anything in the lish console. I tried to create the user.js file, but still not working.

Any help would be appreciated.

14 Replies

I assume you're using the AJAX terminal?

Just click the paste button. If it says access denied, click the "more info" link and do what it says there. :)

This is what I did and it did not work for me as I said in the first post.

What did you add to user.js file? I added this

user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");

What am I doing wrong?

Did you restart firefox? Did you put user.js in the right place?

Have you tried using the lish console via SSH? that's a lot better than the AJAX terminal.


Did you restart firefox? Did you put user.js in the right place?

Yes many time and yes, I opened about:config and from there went to the profile directory and created the file user.js


Have you tried using the lish console via SSH? that's a lot better than the AJAX terminal.

I cannot access anything via ssh because of the firewall we have at work, this is why I use the AJAX terminal.

Any other clues?


I cannot access anything via ssh because of the firewall we have at work, this is why I use the AJAX terminal.

Any other clues?

Your firewall company isn't blocking all ports for sure, find which one is open and useful for you, i.e. port 443 and change your ssh listening port to that in your server or talk to your company's sysadmins about your needs.

I already did that too and it did not work.

So I should give up on pasting on AJAX console?



I cannot access anything via ssh because of the firewall we have at work, this is why I use the AJAX terminal.

Any other clues?

Your firewall company isn't blocking all ports for sure, find which one is open and useful for you, i.e. port 443 and change your ssh listening port to that in your server or talk to your company's sysadmins about your needs.

Some firewalls block based off of protocol and not based off of port. Many companies also will not outbound SSH access in order to prevent data loss and bypassing security controls.

Is there a way to make the AJAX console work?


I cannot access anything via ssh because of the firewall we have at work, this is why I use the AJAX terminal.

Sorry I don't have a suggestion for you with the AJAX terminal. But just to make sure, you are aware LISH listens on ports 22, 443 and 2200. You must work in very paranoid environment, if you can't ssh to LISH on port 443.


I am in a very secured environment.

So there is no way to paste in the firefox lish ajax console?

Has anyone been able to configure it?


I am in a very secured environment.

I think you mean "crippled environment". One of the important facets of security is being able to do what you need to do, and nothing outside of that. So if you need to access lish, but cannot, crippled is a better fit.

That said, the ajax terminal is old and glitchy, which is why the real answer is "lish over ssh", or "regular ssh to your node".

Have you actually tried connecting to lish via 443? Because unless they're actually inspecting the traffic, I doubt they're doing anything to block the https port.

If they are, then I would suggest talking to the IT people where you are, or management, or both, and explain why you need access to lish to do what you need to do, and convince them to fix it.



I am in a very secured environment.

I think you mean "crippled environment". One of the important facets of security is being able to do what you need to do, and nothing outside of that. So if you need to access lish, but cannot, crippled is a better fit.

You assume that he's working on something for his work. I have the same issue, can only hit ajaxterm from work, but guess what? My linodes aren't for work. So they have no reason to give me access.


You assume that he's working on something for his work. I have the same issue, can only hit ajaxterm from work, but guess what? My linodes aren't for work. So they have no reason to give me access.

I made that assumption on purpose. If it's blocked at work, and it's not work related, I have no intention of helping him circumvent the security.


You assume that he's working on something for his work. I have the same issue, can only hit ajaxterm from work, but guess what? My linodes aren't for work. So they have no reason to give me access.

If ssh is blocked, and there's no business case to be made for allowing an exception, there's a decent chance you're violating some security policy. This can be a career-limiting move, or at least justification for career limitation for some otherwise-insufficient cause. (I've been down this road. It's an awkward road, but now I don't have to wear a tie, so it's all good.)


I made that assumption on purpose. If it's blocked at work, and it's not work related, I have no intention of helping him circumvent the security.

I dunno, I want to do it because I'm lazy. If I'm already logged into the Linode manager, it reduces the amount of password entry to accomplish quick tasks on newly-deployed systems. We can all aspire to laziness, no?

That said, I currently have:

rtucker@witte:~$ cat .mozilla/firefox/*.default/user.js
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");

and it is showing up in prefs.js after a restart:

rtucker@witte:~$ grep capability .mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");

… but pasting does not yet work. (Firefox 3.6.23, Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 package 3.6.23+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1)


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