Is it possible to move datacenters?

I have a linode in Newark, NJ. I am not sure if Newark is unique in this respect, but it does seem to need to be reset occasionally.

I notice now that linode has facilities in Atlanta, GA as well, which is actually closer to me. Is it possible to have my linode transferred there?

Also, I noticed in the faq that it notes that the Atlanta, GA facility blocks some IRC ports. Is there any other functional difference between facilities?

6 Replies

Open a ticket. They'll take care of you in just a few minutes.

Atlanta currently doesn't seem to support IPv6. Other than that, all Linode locations except Fremont offer more or less the same features and performance.

I doubt that switching data centers is going to address your reset issue. Needing to reset guests certainly isn't a characteristic of the Newark DC (well or any of them really). So I'd suspect that its an issue of your guest configuration - running out of resources or becoming overloaded, software issues, or whatever.

So if that's the primary reason you're considering moving, odds are good the issue will follow across the migration.

– David

What exactly is being reset?

I'm using the Newark datacenter, and so far I haven't noticed any reset from Linode/datacenter. The only "resets" I've seen are either from me or from a crashing process (I have a program setup to monitor my critical processes and reboot them if they crash).


Also, I noticed in the faq that it notes that the Atlanta, GA facility blocks some IRC ports. Is there any other functional difference between facilities?
This recent list appears to show what ports are currently blocked in Atlanta. (Some historical discussion here.)

I haven't noticed any other significant difference between Newark and Atlanta; both seem pretty solid.

Edit: oh, yeah, if you want IPv6 you don't want to be in Atlanta (yet).

I was under the impression that the physical computer my VPS is on was being reset, not just my VPS.

To quote the email from linode, "The host your Linode resides on (newark390) requires emergency maintenance at this time. We're working on bringing your host back online as quickly as possible and will update this ticket as soon as we have more information."

Last one was on Nov. 4, also on Oct. 2 and Aug. 14. No big deal really, my VPS has little of importance, just didn't know if this particular "node" was more prone to resets than others.

Three host problems in 4 months is high so yes I'd say that one is prone to more problems than others, you could ask to be migrated to a different host in the same DC.


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