Disconnected Line graph

~~![](<URL url=)http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/4566/linode.png" />

Can anyone tell me why i got disconnected line graph? See at 20:00 hour. And sometime it repeat at another hour also. But my sites shows no downtime using pingdom to check my sites uptime. I use cloudflare service as well.~~

4 Replies

Sometimes the Linode stat servers fail to pull the data from the host servers, and thus have no data to display for that specific time. This used to happen quite a lot and seems to be less frequent now however it still happens. This isn't your fault and is nothing to worry about, if it appears 'broken' for a large amount of time (hours/days) you might consider opening a support ticket, otherwise there's no problem.

I also have this issue with my graphs. I don't really worry about it too much, but I have seen it happen multiple times over the course of 24 hours.

Hey, as long as the server is up and running fine, I'm happy. :P

Sometimes the stats collection system misses samples like when it can't send them up, or if the stats daemon restarts, etc.

Don't sweat it.


thanks everyone for clear me up on this matter. linode community are awesome!


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