CPU Usage


Could you please help me!

I need some information about CPU usage.

My site using about 500 minutes of CPU.

How much minutes i can get on Linode 512 plan?

Thank you!

10 Replies

There's no official value - you share the cpu resources with other 512 machines on the host. If no one else uses it, you can.

If you're using 500 minutes per month evenly, then it's around 42 cpu seconds per hour. An estimate is that a 512 plan gets you 20% of a CPU core (sharing 8 core machine with 40 other images – exact loading varies), which is 720 seconds per hour. Linodes have access to 4 cores so you can burst in peak periods.

Great thank you for calculations! )

That's what i've searching.

I'm moving to your hosting ))

Stop stop…

My site is using about 500 minutes per day - not month.

This is about 1250 seconds per hour.

I think this is not good for 3500 users per day…

That's the equivalent of ~35% of a CPU core. It would probably be fine, since linodes tend not to be CPU-bound, but in the worst case, you can get a second linode.

So, my advice would be to try it out on a single linode, and if you're finding yourself CPU bound (which I would find highly unlikely), you can just grab a second linode to split the load.

I generally wouldn't raise an eyebrow about something using <30 minutes of CPU per hour. I'm currently drawing about 41 CPU minutes/hour on one Linode and everything is peachy. The host processors have to do something on every clock cycle, and I figure it might as well be finding and auto-captioning photographs of cats.

Start with a 512 as others have said. If there is a problem, support would contact you. There tends to be plenty of CPU to go around.

You could either add another 512 machine and load balance, or upgrade to a 1024 (no rebuild necessary).

Failing that there's no long term contract so you can leave anytime and get the money back for unused days (minus a small service charge).


You could either add another 512 machine and load balance, or upgrade to a 1024 (no rebuild necessary).

Where does it say that a linode 1024 has more CPU time than a linode 512?


Where does it say that a linode 1024 has more CPU time than a linode 512?
Each host machine only has one type of Linode on it. If you switch from a 512 to a 1024, you are sharing four out of the eight Xeon cores with half as many virtual machines.



Where does it say that a linode 1024 has more CPU time than a linode 512?
Each host machine only has one type of Linode on it. If you switch from a 512 to a 1024, you are sharing four out of the eight Xeon cores with half as many virtual machines.

True, but these may have more demanding users on them as well. I get what you mean though.


True, but these may have more demanding users on them as well.

And if they're too demanding support will contact them, and suggest they go to the 2048 :P . It will work out in the end.


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