Set up a Linux localhost on PC

Is there a way to setup a Linux/Ubuntu local webserver on a PC while retaining the Windows operating system?

I'm just getting started with Linux studies and don't want to convert everything over just yet, and I'm afraid of toying around with my live server.

8 Replies


Is there a way to setup a Linux/Ubuntu local webserver on a PC while retaining the Windows operating system? …
VMWare player is the way I would go – it's free for personal non-commercial use.

Virtualbox - it's free for ANY use.

I also use VirtualBox. It works well for me.


I use Virtualbox to run Windows on a Linux PC, if that helps. :-)

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm giving VirtualBox a try.

I used VMware for years but in the past couple of years I've found VirtualBox seems to be overall better to me.

I've been using VirtualBox for years and it's great. Also the Guest Additions is nice because it lets you install additional drivers to your VM so you can get better display resolutions and such.

You can also just use an old, obsolete box- I'm still using an 850 Duron which is working fine with Debian Squeeze (though it will be replaced once I can get my hands on a Raspberry Pi. You can usually find or salvage a box for little or no bucks which will happily run Linux, especially with a command line interface.


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