apache Forbidden

Ok, I had my site www.cross-town-traffic-software.com up and running and I did something really stupid. I erased all of my srv/www/ctts.com/public.html. I will be adding backups to my plan. So I recreated the directories, gave access. But I still get the 403 forbidden error.


The log warns that var/www/ctts.com/public.html does not exist

(the Linode Lamp guide does not say you have to create)

It also says NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts.

I did go thru the LAMP guide beginning to end!


3 Replies

So make sure that that path actually exists and then check the permissions. You need to make sure that the user the webserver is running as has access to that directory.

Note that it is customarily a directory named public_html , and not a file named public.html.

I just decided to scrap the site and use a stack script to rebuild. Now i can paw thru all of the correct things done vs what my nebie self did. Also signed up for backup service. Site was basically a test stite for some frameworks I was palying with.


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