Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Images


I would love to see the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 and i386 images available to Linode customers since this is a really solid and "Precise" release that we got plenty of good changes into to make it something most people running Ubuntu might want to consider switching their Linodes to.

4 Replies

I assume that, similar to updating other Ubuntu versions, like we were warned/tutored to update to 11.04, we do NOT "do-release-upgrade" as prompted when I login to my 11.04 on Linode?

I assume there soon will be a similar tutorial to update to 12.04?



As indicated by the linode blog, 12.04 LTS is now available!!! This LTS has 5 year support instead of 3 years with previous LTS releases.

Actually, the older "server" LTS releases were 5 years too (so 8.04 for example runs through April 2013). It was just the desktop version that was only 3 years previously.

– David


I assume that, similar to updating other Ubuntu versions, like we were warned/tutored to update to 11.04, we do NOT "do-release-upgrade" as prompted when I login to my 11.04 on Linode?

I assume there soon will be a similar tutorial to update to 12.04?



The official instructions for transitioning are here:

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin … 4_to_12.04">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer#From10.04to_12.04


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