I couldn't connect to my linode through FTP

Everything was working perfect before until I accidentally changed the idrsa.pub keygen. After that I can't do ssh login to my linode. Then I changed the new keygen in the server idrsa.pub file. Now I can ssh login to my linode. But I can't able to connect to my linode via FTP ( FileZilla ). It showed some warning like cache is different. It is not connecting and showing this error "Could not connect to server"

One more thing my root login is also disabled. I changed PermitRootLogin to YES. Then even its not working.

How can I solve these problems? Could anyone guide me?


6 Replies


But I can't able to connect to my linode via FTP ( FileZilla ). It showed some warning like cache is different. It is not connecting and showing this error "Could not connect to server"
The actual error would be more informative with regards to the cache.

> One more thing my root login is also disabled. I changed PermitRootLogin to YES. Then even its not working.
Did you restart sshd ?



But I can't able to connect to my linode via FTP ( FileZilla ). It showed some warning like cache is different. It is not connecting and showing this error "Could not connect to server"
The actual error would be more informative with regards to the cache.

I ticked "dont show this message again" checkbox and now I can't see the message . Is there any other way to see it?

> > One more thing my root login is also disabled. I changed PermitRootLogin to YES. Then even its not working.

Did you restart sshd ?

Yes I did. Still not working, showing this message

debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config

debug1: Applying options for *

debug1: Connecting to IP ADDRESS [ IPADDRESS ] port 22.

debug1: connect to address IPADDRESS port 22: Connection refused

ssh: connect to host IPADDRESS port 22: Connection refused

Filezilla uses putty dlls for the SSH component. Easiest way is to use regedit and remove registry key that contains the ssh key that you need it to reinquire about.

Putty/filezilla host keys are located:


Standard warnings re: mucking with the registry apply….


Filezilla uses putty dlls for the SSH component. Easiest way is to use regedit and remove registry key that contains the ssh key that you need it to reinquire about.

Putty/filezilla host keys are located:


Standard warnings re: mucking with the registry apply….

I'm using ubuntu on my desktop computer.

Now I can't connect to both my user and root on my linode. I'm completely tired. Could anyone give me some clear solution to solve this problem. I need to transfer my files to the server also want to do ssh login where I'm getting this error for both root and another user I've created.

OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-7ubuntu1, OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 2011

debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config

debug1: Applying options for *

debug1: Connecting to ... [...] port 22.

debug1: connect to address ... port 22: Connection refused

ssh: connect to host ... port 22: Connection refused

I've updated my latest ssh keygen to the server, but still not resolved. Where is the problem coming from? I think it might be from ssh_config


filezilla on linux also uses puttys sshhostkeys file. The files are located in the home directory in the .putty folder

the file that contains the keys is


If ssh on the server was updated recently, then make sure sshd is running on the server and that you are of course connecting to the right port with the correct ssh protocol.

One item to look closely at in /etc/ssh/ssh_config is the "protocol" line. [In my case I only connect with protocol 2] if the client has 1,2 and the server has 2,1 or 2 only it may do what you are describing.


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