Linode Kernel Naming

I'm a bit confused by the Linode Manager kernel naming now that the kernel itself has been renumbered. Does "Latest 3.0" really mean "Latest 3.X", or is it literally "The Latest 3.0.X"?

I ask because I see there have been kernels built for both 3.1 and 3.2, but neither of these seem to have a "latest" attached to them. It's unclear to me if this is because the 3.0 branch is considered more stable than the latter two, or just because the naming has changed and not followed through.

2 Replies

It means Latest 3.x. Once there's a newer stable kernel available we will change the label to 3.1 (or 3.2, or …) and carry on from there.



It's unclear to me if this is because the 3.0 branch is considered more stable than the latter two, or just because the naming has changed and not followed through.
It's the former. There have been problems with the 3.1 and 3.2 kernels.

(I love that link.)


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