VPN iptables rules


Ive been following this guide on setting up a VPN, which is nearly working.

~~[http://wiki.nikoforge.org/L2TP/IPSec_VPN_Setup_on_Centos_6_(64-bit)_for_use_with_Android_ICS_and_iOS_5_Clients#Firewall.2FRouter_Configuration " target="blank">](http://wiki.nikoforge.org/L2TP/IPSec_VP … iguration ">http://wiki.nikoforge.org/L2TP/IPSecVPNSetuponCentos6(64-bit)forusewithAndroidICSandiOS5Clients#Firewall.2FRouter_Configuration](

The only issue im having is if i disable iptables, I can connect but any sites I request on my ipad dont get forwarded out to the internet.

If I turn on iptables, I cant connect at all. I havent setup any port forwarding, which I belive I need to be able to do.

Could someone provide me some points on what my iptables should look like?

The site above says I need to forward the following ports -

Port Protocol Description



1701 UDP L2TP Traffic

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

38 3582 ACCEPT all – lo any anywhere anywhere

0 0 REJECT all -- any any anywhere loopback/8 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

333 25029 ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED

0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- any any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:https

0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- any any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:domain

0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- any any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:isakmp

0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- any any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ipsec-nat-t

0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- any any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:l2tp

9 540 ACCEPT tcp -- any any anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt:ssh

18 5422 REJECT all -- any any anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

0 0 REJECT all -- any any anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

400 74181 ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere


2 Replies

You'll want to allow UDP ports 500, 1701, and 4500 instead of the TCP ports.

The sole REJECT rule in the FORWARD chain is most likely going to be a problem, as well.

Thanks - I can now connect with iptables running, but still cant get out externally on my ipad.

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

ACCEPT all – anywhere anywhere

REJECT all -- anywhere loopback/8 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED

ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt:ssh

ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW udp dpt:isakmp

ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW udp dpt:l2tp

ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW udp dpt:ipsec-nat-t

REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere

This is what I see in /var/log/messages

Sep 2 16:43:57 server pppd[19239]: Unsupported protocol 'IPv6 Control Protocol' (0x8057) received

Sep 2 16:43:57 server racoon: INFO:[500] used for NAT-T

Sep 2 16:43:57 server racoon: INFO:[500] used as isakmp port (fd=21)

Sep 2 16:43:57 server racoon: INFO:[4500] used for NAT-T

Sep 2 16:43:57 server racoon: INFO:[4500] used as isakmp port (fd=22)

Sep 2 16:43:57 server pppd[19239]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP

Sep 2 16:43:57 server pppd[19239]: local IP address

Sep 2 16:43:57 server pppd[19239]: remote IP address


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