Migrating to linode


am on a shared host right now and needing to move off it.

I'm running a django site and wondering the following:

  • I'm confident enough to configure things like apache mod-wsgi and stuff to host my site. I'm not confident enough to administrate the server and make sure it is secure. Is this something the linode admins/support can help with? (e.g. help review linux, apache, etc config to make sure i'm not doing something stupid/careless)

  • What is the recommended OS/StackScript for hosting django?

my dev environment is currently debian/ubuntu

my prod environment is apparently redhat.

I have no preference but would like to know what is more popular among your current customers

  • can i get support in migrating my site from it's current shared host to my linode? how much downtime does a migration usually involve?

  • what are some things i can look at on my current django deployment to estimate the linode size i need? I'm thinking the base 512 plan should be sufficient but would like to have some way of ball-parking this.

  • anything else you think i should know/consider based on your experience with customers like me.


1 Reply


"]I'm not confident enough to administrate the server and make sure it is secure. Is this something the linode admins/support can help with? (e.g. help review linux, apache, etc config to make sure i'm not doing something stupid/careless)
Linode does not currently offer such a service. (They had a beta version going, but I seem to recall it has been closed.)

If you are unwilling or unable to get up to speed on your own, your option would be to hire someone else to manage your Linode virtual server for you. There are a few who hang out on this forum or on the IRC channel, but I have no personal experience (good or bad) with any of them.


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