Setting Navicat MySQL to connect to mysql via SSH tunnel

At first i was using phpmyadmin to manage my mysql database. When told that using that is not good for security then i remove it.

I have Navicat MySQL software and it supports connect mysql database via SSH tunnel. Here is my setting in Navicat:

However, i still cannot connect to my Linode's mysql. I keep getting this error when i Test Connection:

FYI, connecting via SSH in terminal is not a problem. Its ok. I already secure my server using this guide:

Does securing the server using that guide cause the Navicat software cannot work?

3 Replies

It appears that you are not supplying appropriate credentials to access MySQL.

The contents of the "General" tab on the "New Connection" dialog box should look something like this:

Hostname/IP address: localhost

Port: 3306

Username: your MySQL username

Password: your MySQL password

Owh…i thought the General is not needed because i am using SSH, so i just click SSH tab. It works now. Thanks!

I try to setting Navicat MYSQL to connect mysql via ssh , but its not work . Do you mind tell me how to resolve this problem ?


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