Setting up IMAP

I'm using the small Redhat 9 distro, and am having lots of trouble setting up and IMAP server.

Is there a distro with IMAP already installed? I've tried installing Cyrus & Courier by hand and run into lots of problems.

4 Replies


Is there a distro with IMAP already installed? I've tried installing Cyrus & Courier by hand and run into lots of problems.

I'm guessing that Debian with uw-imapd would be among the easiest. It isn't preinstalled, but I think all you need to do is (as root):

apt-get install uw-imapd

or alternatively:

apt-get install uw-imapd-ssl

if you want IMAP over SSL. I believe the install scripts automatically put the proper entries in /etc/inetd.conf and reload inetd. It may be just as easy on RedHat.

UW IMAP has virtually no setup - there is no configuration file. So if it doesn't work, at least you won't be trying to figure out what parameters to change :-). I wouldn't say UW is the best server, but it is probably the simplest to administer.


I have RH 9 small with Imap. I installed the RPM from the RedHat Network. imap-2001a-18.i386.rpm. As I recall, it was quite painless. Just make sure you open port 143 on Lokkit / Iptables. I also installed the corresponding imap-devel package so I could compile it into PHP.

> G'Day from tropical Queensland, Australia
G'Day from a Kiwi in frozen New Hamsphire, USA.

If I'm not mistaken, the Redhat 9 distro comes with an imap server already, you can check if it was installed (init.d script) by using the command: chkconfig –list

imap and pop3 (at least on fedora/red hat) go to xinetd by default. Make sure you have xinetd installed, and turned on. Then install the imap rpm. After that, go through /etc/xinetd.d files and make sure the services are enabled. Restart xinetd, and your done. Very painless.


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