magento's email function doesnot work at LAMP

following the document below … an-5-lenny">

first,I do "getting started "

second,I do " LAMP guide"

third,I do "Magento on Debian 5 (Lenny)"

they are wonderful documents,now I have successfully insalled magento1.7 ,and it run well,

I can sign up,order ,manage order etc. but now I found a problem,it's email function doesnot work,

as when sign up,order,my email box didnot receive any email,and at contact us page,also cannot send out show "Unable to submit your request. Please, try again later".

my websites is

I guess I need to setup a email server,but which document should I follow for magento?

4 Replies

get it done

need to install an email server

Install a Advanced SMTP extension or try adapt any mail script for this. All fields must filled an single mail adress.

which STMP extention?



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