Per hour billing?

> Hmm, maybe we needed this because we’ve got something cooking that doesn’t require having an active Linode. Just maybe!

Are we going to get per hour billing as an option? Because that would be very nice for short lived test machines.

Or should I expect something more radical like dutch auctions of spare capacity?

Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie!

7 Replies

Per hour billing would be great.

There used to be a count of the free Linodes of each type on the front page. This has gone.

I'm taking this as a hint that these are no longer free but are allocated to some kind of cloud service that blurs the distinction between free and not free.

Not only that, but avail.cfm now redirects to the homepage. They also changed how you create accounts, now you create an account first and add a linode to it later, and new accounts get a free trial for a few hours of a 512.

Caker on the subject said: "You can even keep your account after your trial has expired. Hmm, maybe we needed this because we’ve got something cooking that doesn’t require having an active Linode. Just maybe!"

If you look at ~~[" target="_blank">]( …">]( Linode had 1142 Linode 512's and 488 Linode 1GB's just sitting idle. That's a big amount of capacity going to waste. If I was Caker I'd be racking my brains trying to turn that overhead into cash.

My Network Transfer Pool just went from about 40GB left to almost 4TB left. Now that was kawl.

I just found this blog post: … e-network/">

Wowzers. Linode is certainly giving me some nice ammunition in my argument with my co-workers that we should not migrate from Linode to OVH…

RAM and disk space are the remaining arguments (it's weaksauce for me to say stick to Linode when it has 1/16th the RAM and 1/40th the HDD space)… If those things are also improving (hey, this was phase 1 of 3, Caker said), then I will be able to much more effectively refute the calls to move to OVH…


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