Job opportunity: Part time telecommuting Sysadmin


We are a group of a few programmers and UI designers from around the world getting ready to launch a SaaS application focused on Human Resources; we are looking for a part-time server manager to preside over ~6 server deployments for this and various other separate but smaller web-based business interests. The workload would range from 20-40 hours some weeks (especially up front) to 2-4 hours most weeks. The job would be telecommuting entirely over e-mail and Skype. Particularly looking for someone responsive and available; not looking to harass someone at odd hours, but someone who is available in the timeframe of a couple hours if something urgent comes up on the rare occasion would be a particularly good match.

Experience with, or at least familiarity with, the following would be important:

  • Thorough, clean, organized, and well-presented documentation for the programming guys to utilize, and for your own benefit months and years down the line.

  • CentOS/RHL

  • Standard LAMP stack

  • DNS/SSL considerations

  • Apache mods, PHP extensions - installation and configuration

  • Knowledge of an appropriate scripting language to run cron tasks

  • r1soft and other backup solutions

  • Nagios, zabbix, or similar server monitoring suite

  • Server security considerations and best practices

  • PHP/MySQL/HTML/CSS/JS basics; enough to be able to manipulate basic HTML/scripts of existing websites to make things like contact forms function.

Experience that would be helpful to have but not necessary:

  • Load balancing, distributed computing (we deal with dedicated and VPS machines now, but may be dealing with things of this nature in the future)

  • Amazon's cloud offerings or similar offerings. (right now, as a quickly-available alternative server to our dedicated machines for high-availability applications)

Payment negotiable. Let me know if you have any questions. If interested in discussing further, please get in touch via PM and we can go from there. Hope to hear from you!



11 Replies

Sounds like standard head hunting slime, just fishing for contacts.

Post your company name and main website, and what your pay range is, otherwise fob off.

//exact same OP was made on the CentOS community forum//

Nope, I really am looking for a good sysadmin to help our with our startups, and pay range really depends on the person, experience, and efficiency.

And yes, I'm posting in a few different technically oriented forums to find some good people, including that of CentOS. I consider Linode to be on the better end of VPS services, which is why I was looking for people who had a preference for working with Linode.

Telling "head hunting slime" to "fob off" isn't exactly productive when there are people such as myself simply looking for mutually beneficial working arrangements in the 'general discussion' section of technical forums for a technical job position.

If you search google for parts of the above text that job advert turns up all over the place.

The first name Scott and the username bcorta are consistent, as are references to the Yii framework, PHP, and web technologies.

I think this might be for real.


Nope, I really am looking for a good sysadmin to help our with our startups, and pay range really depends on the person, experience, and efficiency.

You might have better luck trying elance. The kind of work you are offering is exactly what elance is all about.


We are a group…


We are… Scott? I don't understand.


If his name was Hugh, I really would have lost it.



We are a group…


We are… Scott? I don't understand.


The royal we.



We are a group…


We are… Scott? I don't understand.

I am Spartacus!


Telling "head hunting slime" to "fob off" isn't exactly productive when there are people such as myself simply looking for mutually beneficial working arrangements in the 'general discussion' section of technical forums for a technical job position.

Don't mind vonskippy, that's just his style :)


Don't mind vonskippy, that's just his style

His personal style would obviously be better if he had:

big buck teeth

large pointy horns

nerdy round glasses

a gigantic handlebar mustache

but not everyone can be as classy as my forum avatar.




Don't mind vonskippy, that's just his style

His personal style would obviously be better if he had:

big buck teeth

large pointy horns

nerdy round glasses

a gigantic handlebar mustache

but not everyone can be as classy as my forum avatar.




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