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Longview oddity and upgrade question

I just noticed a couple CPU spikes that can't possibly be true. Anyone know what caused this?

~~![](<URL url=)http://i.imgur.com/8KBegJf.jpg" />

Also, I get the message sometimes saying that I need to upgrade Longview, but I can't find any instructions on how to perform the upgrade.~~

4 Replies

For the record, this was fixed a while back. Are you still seeing anything?

(99% of the time this was caused by having the same API key installed on two machines at once. We tell you when we notice that now.)

I haven't seen the problem in a while. Thanks for the fix.


Also, I get the message sometimes saying that I need to upgrade Longview, but I can't find any instructions on how to perform the upgrade.

How did you upgrade it? I see this message all the time now.



Also, I get the message sometimes saying that I need to upgrade Longview, but I can't find any instructions on how to perform the upgrade.

How did you upgrade it? I see this message all the time now.

apt-get upgrade now seems to upgrade longview.


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