Severe bandwidth problems on my host (don't know which one)

I've been having bandwidth problems. My website gets maybe 500bytes/sek and some console programs like top stop responding. I can not type anything due to slowness. I tried restarting with the new kernel. Nothing helped though…

7 Replies


I've been having bandwidth problems. My website gets maybe 500bytes/sek and some console programs like top stop responding. I can not type anything due to slowness. I tried restarting with the new kernel. Nothing helped though…

It's hard to tell what is causing your slowness. You don't have many static pages on your site that can be downloaded to test for bandwidth speed …

I was able to get your home page, all 5K of it, at 175K/sec as reported by wget. If you really only were getting 500 bytes per second that should have taken around 10 seconds; it took a fraction of a second. So I think you are fine on bandwidth.

I did try to convert a DOC into a PDF and the response was very slow. But I'm suspecting a server and/or web script configuration problem there.

Sorry I can't offer any advice on how to fix it; I just wanted to let you know that it doesn't look like the host's bandwidth is the problem …


I've been having bandwidth problems. My website gets maybe 500bytes/sek and some console programs like top stop responding. I can not type anything due to slowness. I tried restarting with the new kernel. Nothing helped though…

Well I tried a different PDF (my first I submitted as a URL to a PDF that was on a web server elsewhere, and that didn't work), and it worked. Coverted the PDF very nicely and FAST.

The download happened quickly too.

Your service is very nice, I think I will bookmark the page :)

I think that whatever problems you may have been having before have cleared up. I wouldn't be surprised if the host was under heavy load. Linodes are unfortunately subject to some pretty bad I/O performance when other Linodes on the same host are going crazy with disk I/O. Hopefully the 2.6 kernels will provide some relief …


I've been having bandwidth problems. My website gets maybe 500bytes/sek and some console programs like top stop responding. I can not type anything due to slowness. I tried restarting with the new kernel. Nothing helped though…

Also, I'm just curious, what are you using to do the conversion? I have tried ps2pdf before, and various other ghostscript incantations, and it's never worked out very well. But your site converted my PDF very well ….

Sorry hthb - I accidentally clicked on the SMS link and didn't realise it sent the message straight away :(

You are right, I no longer experience this slowness. Thanks for the comments on my site. Actually, all I do is use openoffice for conversions (sssshh, don't tell anyone, it's my trade secret ;) ). It's amazing that I can do this with only 64 megs of ram since openoffice has to be loaded each time.


Sorry hthb - I accidentally clicked on the SMS link and didn't realise it sent the message straight away :(

Sorry also… I did the same :P

You should probably change that… also google bots, etc might keep paging you. if you do it as a form submission, you probably wont get the google bots paging you



Sorry hthb - I accidentally clicked on the SMS link and didn't realise it sent the message straight away :(

Sorry also… I did the same :P

You should probably change that… also google bots, etc might keep paging you. if you do it as a form submission, you probably wont get the google bots paging you

I read further on through the news and it said something about it checking the logs for errors and not sending anything if there aren't any.

I think we're off the hook ;)


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