SSL on apache 2 Wildcard SSL Certificates


I have linode account with VPS and i am about to enable SSL for this domain. My doubt is can i use my commercial certificate for both and as well, as both share the same IP address. For this should i go with Wildcard SSL certificates or normal SSL certificate is enough?

May be soon another domain with different IP address or sub domain belonging to same account might be purchased so should i go for Wildcard SSL certificates.

Please let me know more about your Wildcard SSL certificates experience, suggestions and their issues and limitations.

thank you

1 Reply

With many cert vendors, if you buy a non-wildcard cert for, it's also valid for (Comodo PositiveSSL and Geotrust RapidSSL from Namecheap are like this).

Wildcard certs are very cost-effective if you have many sub-domains but they are much more expensive; if you have fewer than 10 sub-domains it's usually not worth it.

Wildcard certs also let you use the same IP address without issue. If you use multiple certs, you will either need a separate IP address for each site, or you will need to use SNI, which isn't supported by IE on Windows XP or by some mobile browsers.


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