Looking for recommendation for Webbased email

I have used and still use SquirrelMail. been using it for years, works great for me.

I have a client that doesn't want to use Gmail, and wants a web based email system with good calendar sharing ability. they currently are using Horde, but it is hard to install, not very good documentation and poor support. They have problems with some functions working.

Any other suggestions?

They are not very interested in third party external hosted email hence not being interested in Gmail.

4 Replies

A top executive at Google did say that you have no expectation of privacy when you use gmail……

I'm working on my own secure mail server for family and fiends.

I am also interested in this discussion.


It depends on what features you're looking for.

  • the new Round Cube (http://roundcube.net) is much better than it was (and better than Squirrel Mail).

  • AfterLogic's WebMail Lite (http://www.afterlogic.org/webmail-lite) is simple but nice (they also have a full featured paid version).

  • Zimbra's Open Source Edition (http://www.zimbra.com/products/zimbra-open-source.html) is very nice, and full featured (they also have a paid version). It is a resource pig and requires a 2GB or 3GB VPS all by itself to run properly.

  • Citadel (http://www.citadel.org) looks like it should be good but I didn't like it. The 'rooms' and 'floors' metaphors would confusing to my clients.

I tried to fight with the old ATMail free version but in the end it wasn't worth the effort. It has security issues and they stopped supporting it a few years back.


Just recently saw Mailpile mentioned by a friend - it's nowhere near ready yet, but might be worth keeping an eye on in the future.

> This is the Mailpile roadmap:

1. Write Python prototype for indexing and rapidly searching large volumes of e-mail. Define on-disk data formats.

2. Add support for GMail-style conversation threading, tags and filters.

3. Give it a very basic, ugly web interface, define an XML-RPC API.

4. Look for some HTML/Javascript gurus who want to build a nice UI.

5. Iterate until awesome.

6. Rewrite search engine (using same data formats and same XML-RPC API) in C. If anyone cares - Python might be good enough.

We have passed milestone 2, with work progressing on 3 and 4.


A top executive at Google did say that you have no expectation of privacy when you use gmail……

I'm working on my own secure mail server for family and fiends.

I am also interested in this discussion.


This is not really correct: http://www.theverge.com/2013/8/14/46214 … of-privacy">http://www.theverge.com/2013/8/14/4621474/yes-gmail-users-have-an-expectation-of-privacy

Personally I'm also looking forward to Mailpile as mentioned above, hopefully it'll be as good as it seems, though it's gonna be quite a while before it becomes usable, since it only just started.


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