Content Management Systems

I hope I will not be starting a holy war here but I would like to get opinions on open source CMS packages that are available. I would like to use it for a non-governement website. My needs are simple. The CMS should be user friendly and will allow the staff to update information by themselves. It should also have a members discussion feature to attract regular visitors.

Thanks in advance for your opinions.


5 Replies

@SteveG (in another topic):

There are lots of CMS systems that support basically what you want. Take a look at to testdrive several without having to install and configure them yourself.
I found this site really useful - I am trying e107.

I've been playing with various CMS's. Of course there is no right or wrong answer to which is best. :)

I've settled on geeklog ( and are both good too. I haven't played with the Nukes.


I have been very pleased with wordpress so far.

Thank you for the replies. I will checkout your suggestions. I will post back on this thread on which CMS I have chosen.


This is my favorite, it is very simple and easy to use.


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