Hi everyone,,

I am currently new to server stuff and have decided to go with linux for openness and freedom, actually own a linux desktop. I know a little of networking, web development and some other stuffs..

Now my needs involves 2 setup..

First a web server which i want 2 setup and figure how things workout.. my sole aim is to start hosting websites for few clients of mine,, starting from small scale to medium and enterprise level.I am more concerned about handling bandwidth, cpu resources, storage and lots more

Secondly,i want to issue out vpns, socks, remote desktops, shell accounts (dont recall) to various client needs.. Here am more concerned abt cpu resources for the number of users not just for remote desktops but vpns and socks ip…issues like if i can set up multiple ips from different data centers and handling blacklisted ip addresses.

I want to start with the basic plan which is $20 plan per month and more importantly setup 2.. I am not scared of failures and trying over again..i want to become a seasoned administrator.. looking forward to starting a small firm…

I hope am not asking for too much from the community. like i pointed earlier on i believe in freedom and openness. This is why i embraced linux.. Any useful links,contributions, ebooks and tutorials will be of help…


Yours faithfully


2 Replies

While your goal is laudable, please don't dive into the deep end of the pool before you know how to swim.

I would highly suggest that, before you take on any paying clients, get at least a year of running your own server under your belt, perhaps more even. Ideally, you should get a job with a firm that is doing what you want to do. There you can apprentice under a seasoned administrator, who can help guide you through how things should be done.

I'm not trying to imply that it is impossible to learn these things on your own, but it is very time-consuming, and when you have paying clients, frequent data loss, outages, etc., are unacceptable. Your customers, even if they're not technologically savvy, will be able to tell you don't know what you're doing and will take their business elsewhere.

Moving on, giving out vpn, shell, etc. accounts is very risky, especially so if you don't know what the risks are, how to detect nefarious behavior, and how to properly deal with it. I've been watching over large linux server installations for over 12 years. By all accounts, I'm a seasoned linux greybeard, and even I am reticent to give out shell accounts on my machines. I know what is possible when one has a shell account, and I will not give out an account unless I completely trust that user. Same for VPN or proxy accounts - are you ready and willing to research the legalities of providing such a service? How much do you know about the DCMA?

I'm not trying to discourage you, but rather just give you a taste of the reality of professional systems administration. It's not rocket science, but there are a million and one ways to shoot yourself (or your customers) in the foot, and believe me, you will shoot yourself in the foot. Many times. Find someone to help you learn, so that you can minimize your foot shootings.


I hope am not asking for too much from the community.
Well good luck with that.

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