Patching the kernel: Mergemem?

Does anyone know if we can install our own kernel modules on our Linodes? I would like to use the mergemem tool ( to reduce swapping.

The specific steps described in the INSTALL file for Mergemem are:

   1\. Type "./Install" in the directory were you unpacked mergemem.
      The script will patch your kernel, create a new device file,
      compile and install the mergemem daemon and module.
   2\. "cd /usr/src/linux"
   3\. "make menuconfig"
   4\. if you are using an 2.0.x Kernel: Make sure that there is
       support for user misc modules:
       For Users of menuconfig:
        "Character devices ---> [X] Support for user misc device modules"
      Note: On 2.2.x Kernels there is no configuration option for this.
   5\. Recompile/install the patched kernel
   6\. Reboot


I don't want to reboot unless I'm sure it'll work…


4 Replies

@Matthew Lloyd:

Does anyone know if we can install our own kernel modules on our Linodes?

No, you cannot load your own kernel modules. Allowing a Linode to modify the kernel in any way (including loading modules) would be a serious security problem for the Linode host. If you were able to load a kernel module, you would be able to force the host system to run arbitrary code. This is not allowed.

This project looks pretty old … the changelog talks about supporting Linux 2.2.7, heh. Much has changed since then.

Bill Clinton

Looks like the project hasnt been touched since 1999, so I doubt the module will even work with the 2.4 2.6 branch kernels.


Oh well… guess I'll just have to find some other way to reduce my memory usage. Thank y'all for your advice! :)


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