XSA-108 and linode?

Is linode affected by the Xen security vuln that is currently unannounced (edit: but embargoed)? AWS is forcing reboots for customers over the next few days.



8 Replies

Hard to know if they're affected by a security vulnerability that hasn't been announced. It could be in a component that Linode isn't using, or triggered by a use case that isn't relevant, or for a version of Xen that Linode isn't using…


Hard to know if they're affected by a security vulnerability that hasn't been announced.

Clarifying just for you: (Prereleased, but embargoed)

I see that they're on the predisclosure list:


Amazon is already requiring guest reboots… hopefully we can either start seeing similar or some official update as to why Linode is not vulnerable.

Linode Staff


We have neither a requirement, nor any plans to perform a rebooting of Linode hosts, on any scale, in the near term.

Carry on!


Advisory has been released: http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/advisory-108.html



We have neither a requirement, nor any plans to perform a rebooting of Linode hosts, on any scale, in the near term.

Carry on!

so is Linode VPS not affected ?

ok seems only x86 is vulnerable i believe https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost … stcount=13">https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=9251678&postcount=13



Xen 4.1 and onward are vulnerable.

Only x86 systems are vulnerable. ARM systems are not vulnerable.



Running only PV guests will avoid this vulnerability.

Only Xen HVM is affected. Linode uses PV.


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