Upgrade 64->96

Just wondering what the ETA on upgrades usually is. Last Friday, I submitted a support ticket requesting our account be upgraded… in the intervening period one Linode 96 did become available for a while, but we still haven't heard anything. :?

4 Replies

Linode Staff

Upgrades to a plan that is unavailable are on a first-come, first serve basis. (BTW, I prefer a ticket to keep track, like Matthew did)

The thing is, people who upgrade off a Linode 96 create an empty slot, which appears as an available Linode to the signup system. If I don't catch it in time, or reserve the slot on the host beforehand, someone can come in and purchase it…

I'll move one of my Linode 96 dev accounts and free a slot for you.



A speedy and friendly service, as usual… no need to reshuffle your dev accounts if a 96 is likely to become available before the end of the month… we're happy to wait until then. Sounds like if we see an account become available (of the type we'd like to upgrade to) we should contact you.


Matthew :D

Linode Staff

You're welcome. I've already set up the migration for you. Go for it! :)


Migration complete. Everything went 100% smoothly. We now look like this –> :D

Thanks again,



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