Payment processor advice

I'm looking for a payment processor that can handle a very specific set of features.

Basically I'm in the process of developing a website where users can sell digital products (think ebooks and that sort of thing). When a user sells something I take a percentage share of the sale and the user gets the rest. I need a payment processor that will allow me to send the money that is in my bank account and put it in the users bank account via a bank account number and sort code. Effectively I'll be holding the users money until they decide to take it out of my account and put it in their account.

Normally I'd use Stripe as my payment processor but I'm not sure it supports paying money in both directions (user -> website and website -> user). Does anyone have any suggestions at all? The website is effectively an online marketplace for users to sell their goods and I need to be able to pay them back for their share of the sale money.

Any help is appreciated.

6 Replies

Stripe supports what you are trying to do.

See for the website -> user part.

Api docs for it are here:


Stripe supports what you are trying to do.

See for the website -> user part.

Api docs for it are here:

Wow, I totally missed that. Stripe really is awesome!

Thanks at least I already know how to use the Stripe API. Should speed up development nicely.

Gah just read through the documentation and came across this:

> Once you’ve received payments through Stripe, you can create transfers through the API to send funds to arbitrary third-party bank accounts or debit cards. (This is currently only available for US Stripe accounts sending funds to third-party US bank accounts or US Visa or MasterCard debit cards that aren't prepaid.)

unfortunately I am in the UK so it looks like Stripe isn't an option :|.

> unfortunately I am in the UK so it looks like Stripe isn't an option

Propay seems to support similar functionality. They claim to be global, but don't mention if the "split proceeds" is U.S. only: … /splitpay/">

I also see Braintree Marketplace (owned by Paypal)


> unfortunately I am in the UK so it looks like Stripe isn't an option

Propay seems to support similar functionality. They claim to be global, but don't mention if the "split proceeds" is U.S. only: … /splitpay/">

I also see Braintree Marketplace (owned by Paypal)

Yeah I found Braintree myself and it seems like the second best option after Stripe. Looks like I'll have to go with that.

Thanks for your help.

I may be remembering wrong, but I think the first player in marketplace payments was Balanced. I mostly use Stripe but I like the looks of Balanced so might try them on an upcoming project. Unfortunately international payments are only "on the roadmap" atm.


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